
Blog Entries by Passport Editorial

Renew Your Passport! Airlines Are Adding International Routes

According to Jaunted, many of the major airlines are adding new international routes to their lineups, possibly making it easier for you to see the countries you want to see. Here’s a quick rundown of the new routes. If any of these appeal to you, you might want to start packing your bags and check to see if you need to renew your passport:

American Airlines: Chicago to Beijing

American Airlines now flies from Chicago to Beijing. 

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Get an Expedited Passport To Win a Scholarship in the Amazon

Are you an amateur filmmaker? Do you love to travel?  If you’d like to turn your passion for film and desire to see the world into an actual career, Gap Adventures and National Geographic have a contest that will probably interest you: They are offering one lucky young filmmaker the chance to film a travel documentary about sustainable tourism in the Amazon rainforest with industry veteran Trent O’Donnell.

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