
Blog Entries by Passport Editorial

Get an Expedited Passport Renewal This Summer

The warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico are the summer vacation spot of choice for many American families, supporting a tourism industry worth $20 billion per year.

However, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is growing larger every day, making tourists understandably nervous about vacationing anywhere that might be in its path. Currently, no oil has washed ashore in Florida, home of some of the most popular beaches. 

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Get Your US Passport Renewal Now For Great Summer Travel Deals

It’s already May, and that means it’s time to start shopping around for summer travel deals. Here’s how to end up with an incredible, affordable summer vacation in 3 easy steps:

Step 1- Apply for your US passport renewal

Some of the best travel deals this summer will take you out of the country.

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New Passports For Citizens Born to Midwives Near the Border

*The passport fees have recently changed. As of April 2nd, 2018, the passport acceptance fee has gone up from $25 to $35.


US citizens born to midwives near the US-Mexican border will get a chance to get new passports next month by applying at special mobile units set up by the Department of State.  

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Disaster Tourism: Is it Worth Getting a Passport?

News of natural disasters or political violence in other countries leaves most people simply shaking their heads. However, for some travelers, bad news in an otherwise attractive travel destination means that it’s time to double-check the expiration date on your passport.

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