When I was kid, I loved animals, so much that I managed to bug my parents into getting me that “Illustrated Wildlife Treasury” set that they used to advertise on TV. The set basically had a bunch of different cards with pictures of animals and facts about them. One of my favorite groups of animals in the set were the lemurs.
Read ArticleNew Passport: Puerto Ricans Will Need New Birth Certificates
Birth certificates don’t usually come with an expiration date, but if you were born in Puerto Rico, yours does: July 1st, 2010. After that date, all Puerto Rican birth certificates will be invalidated, per a law passed in Puerto Rico in January.
Read ArticleGet a Fast Passport to See Tuscany at its Finest
Thinking of Tuscany, it’s easy to get lost in a daydream of bright sunshine, fields of sunflowers, excellent wine and adorable quaint villages. However, if you visit Italy during the summer “high season,” the reality is often quite different.
Read ArticleWhat to Do if Your US Passport is Damaged
Your US passport is one of your most valuable possessions, and you are probably very careful with it. However, no matter how careful we try to be, accidents happen. When it comes to passports, the most common causes of accidental damage are pets, toddlers, washing machines and for frequent travelers, normal wear and tear.
Read ArticleNeed to Get a Passport? Passport Day is Later This Month!
The Department of State just announced that it will celebrating “Passport Day in the USA” later on this month, providing citizens with an opportunity to submit their passport applications during special Saturday hours at regional passport agency offices and passport acceptance facilities around the country.
Read ArticleDebate Continues Over Increased Fees For Passport Services
*The passport fees have recently changed. As of April 2nd, 2018, the passport acceptance fee has gone up from $25 to $35.
The debate over the State Department’s proposed fee hike for passport services continues, with lawmakers and State Department officials arguing back and forth about whether the new fees are justified, especially given the current state of the economy.
Read ArticleDo You Need to Get a Passport for Spring Break?
It may still be cold and gloomy outside in many parts of the country, but make no mistake: spring is coming! That means it’s time to start planning for Spring Break.
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