
Blog Entries by Passport Editorial

Elderly Woman Denied New Passport To Visit Mexico

An elderly woman from Texas has been denied the opportunity to get a new passport to visit relatives in Mexico, according to this report from a local ABC affiliate.

The woman, Consuelo DeLeon, is 81 years and says she was born in  small town in Texas. However, her birth certificate was filed late, approximately a year after she was born. Although she sent in both her birth certificate and her baptismal certificate, the Department of State refused to issue her a new passport due her family’s delay in filing a birth certificate.

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Get a Passport, Quick For a Cheap Flight to Jamaica!

Ahh, Jamaica…home to beautiful white-sand beaches, sublime scenery, friendly people and excellent coffee! If you’d like to sneak in the beach getaway to end all beach getaways before the summer’s gone for good, get a passport, quick, to score an affordable flight.

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Get an Express Passport and Book Special Fares to Barbados

Here’s a great reason to splurge on an express passport-American Airlines is offering free flights for a companion when you purchase a vacation package to the island of Barbados.  What better way to celebrate the end of summer than hanging out on Barbados’ famous beaches with someone special?

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