
Blog Entries by Passport Editorial

Get an Express Passport and Volunteer Abroad This Summer!

Want to see the world and make a difference at the same time? Many organizations offer international volunteer programs! Participating in an international volunteer program even has some advantages over simply traveling to another country, as this post on “Go Green Travel Green” points out.

Not only do you get the satisfaction that comes from knowing y0u’re helping others, you’ll also get a deeper experience of the culture in the country where you’re volunteering.

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Can You Expedite a Passport Card?

Update: The US passport card can now be expedited by mail through the US Department of State, with emergency processing available through some (but not all) regional passport agencies. 

‘On June 1st, 2009, the rules governing travel between the United States and Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean will change.

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New Passport Office Inaugurated In Detroit

American citizens in Michigan now have a passport office nearby.  On Monday, Ambassador Janice L. Jacobs, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs, inaugurated a Regional Passport Agency office downtown at 211 West Fort Street.

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