
Blog Entries by Passport Editorial

Get Your US Passport and Couchsurf Around the World

With many airlines offering discounted fares overseas, now is a great time to take that international trip you’ve been dreaming about. Of course, the main reason airfare is so cheap because many people can’t afford to travel at the moment. Is there a way to make traveling internationally more affordable?

If you aren’t afraid of getting to know new people and you don’t mind sleeping on stranger’s couch, you can travel overseas without having to pay for accommodations.

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US Passport Holders Cautioned About Travel To Mexico

Recently, the US Department of Stateissued a travel warning for American citizens regarding travel to Mexico. Our neighbor to the south has long been a popular vacation spot for Americans, but  some areas of the country have erupted into violence as drug cartels struggle for power over Mexican police forces and each other.

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How To Get an Expedited Passport for your Adopted Child

Adopting a child is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, it can be a rather bureaucratic process even under the best of circumstances. Compared to biological parents, adoptive parents often have to deal with an extra layer of red tape, especially if they adopted their child from overseas.

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