
Blog Entries by Passport Editorial

Your New Year’s Resolution: Obtaining a Passport

At midnight tonight, a new year will begin. New Year’s Eve means parties, champagne and of course, New Year’s resolutions. According to, “taking a trip” is one of the 10 most popular New Year’s resolutions. It’s also a New Year’s resolution you can actually enjoy keeping-unlike, say, resolving to cut out sweets.

If you’d like to travel overseas, 2009 is a great time to do so.

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Experts Recommend Getting a US Passport for Kids

Even if you aren’t planning on traveling overseas, some experts recommend that you get a passport or a passport card for your children.  Why should you be concerned about getting a US passport for your children if you aren’t traveling out of the country? 

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Getting a 24 Hour Passport for the Holidays

Christmas is almost here, which means that people all over the country are traveling to see their families, both inside and outside of the US. The Sacramento Bee reports that each year, 1 million Mexican citizens return home to Mexico over Christmas break.

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The Top 10 Reasons For Delays In Getting Your Passport

Applying for a passport is not as easy as it sounds. It’s easy to make mistakes on the paperwork, and even a small mistake can delay your application. Of course, with a private expediting company tracking your order, we can minimize these delays and often catch mistakes before they happen.

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