
Blog Entries on Announcements

Trusted Traveler Programs: Are You Enrolled?

Trusted Traveler Programs:  Are You Enrolled?

Have you noticed more and more travelers skipping right by you in airport lines recently?   If so, they are probably part of a Trusted Traveler Program – a program developed by Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to speed up the travel process.  Trusted Traveler Programs provide expedited travel for pre-approved, low risk travelers through dedicated lanes and kiosks.

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4 Great Apps for International Travel

If you want to make your international adventure even better, don’t forget to pack your smartphone. Looking for flight updates? There’s an app for that. Looking for a good restaurant, an easy way to figure out the local currency exchange, a GPS walking map or some help with language translation?

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2013 Record International Travel Predicted

International travel will hit record highs this year, at least that’s the prediction from Airlines for America (A4A), the industry trade organization for leading U.S. airlines.

In its annual forecast, A4A predicts that this year U.S.

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Planning Your Summer Travel

Summer travel season is almost here. Even with our current economic challenges, vacation getaways still rank at the top of our “most wanted” list. But with less discretionary income for vacation travel, most people are looking for ways to cut costs.

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