
Blog Entries on Important Documents

The Hilton Passport Project: 5 Surprising Reasons to Get a Passport

The Hilton Passport Project: 5 Surprising Reasons to Get a Passport

Forty-one percent of U.S. citizens have a valid passport, but what is everyone else missing out on? As it turns out,  a passport is more than just a travel document.

To kick off the Hilton Passport Project, Hilton Hotels & Resorts recently surveyed their guests to uncover the hidden benefits of having a passport. Are you ready to find out how a passport can help you live your best life?

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Travel Insurance: Yes or No?

People have a lot of questions about travel insurance. What is it? What does it cover? Is it worth the price? Where do I get it? So here are some simple answers to help you make a more informed decision.

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Serendipity and a Lost Passport

Would you buy someone else’s long-expired passport? What if the passport showed that, many years ago, the person lived in the same place where you live now?

For Nuno Fonseca, a Portuguese medical student studying in Paris, the pull of the mystery represented by a 60-year-old passport he found at a flea market was too strong to resist.

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