
Blog Entries on Passport Processing

Avoiding a Damaged Passport Renewal: The 5 Commandments

As long as you treat it right, your new passport is built to last for around ten years. However, the more you travel, the more wear and tear it will show – and the greater the chance of accidental damage. A damaged passport is most definitely an inconvenience. If the damage is at all severe, the document will have to be replaced before you attempt to leave the country again.

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A Passport Into Your Favorite Fiction

Many great novels and short stories involve travel. It’s easy to see why; when you leave behind everything that’s familiar and step out into the unknown, all the key ingredients of an exciting plot are waiting for you.

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Sport Fishing in Mexico? Don’t Forget Your US Passport!

In California, deep-sea fishing boats crossing into Mexican waters have found themselves on the hook instead, as the Mexican navy boarded them and checked their passengers’ passports. According to, the sport-fishing boats believed that they were complying with existing regulations that allow anglers to take short fishing trips of a day or less into Mexican waters, as long as they have a Mexican fishing license.

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