
Blog Entries on Passport Processing

Even Travel Writers Forget Their Passport Renewals

If you’ve found yourself staring at the expiration date on your passport in shock, wondering how a decade could pass in a blink of an eye, you should know that you’re not alone. The same thing happens even to people who travel for a living.

For example, travel writer Crai S. Bower recently planned to jet off to Mexico with his family.

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Passport Statistics
What percentage of people in each state have a valid US passport.

How Likely Are Your Neighbors to Have a US Passport?

Do you need a passport to keep up with Joneses? The answer might depend, in part, on where you live. C. G. P. Grey, a professional time management coach currently living in London, used data from the government website

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passport office passport agency

Same Day Passport Office Opens in Vermont

Vermonters in need of a same day passport can breathe a huge sigh of relief: A new regional passport agency office just opened in St. Albans. That means that Vermonters with verifiable passport emergencies can get same-day passport requests processed in state, instead of having to drive or catch a plane to New Hampshire or Boston.

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