Travel Tips and Passport Information

U.S. Passport Update: Changes to the “X” Passport Gender Marker and What It Means for Applicants

gender marker passport

The U.S. Department of State has issued new guidance regarding U.S. passports with the “X” gender marker. Passports with this marker remain valid until their expiration date, but as of January 20th 2025, the Department of State will no longer issue new passports with the “X” gender marker. This update reflects a shift in policy, and in this post, we’ll explain what it means for current and future passport holders.

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online passport renewal

Online Passport Renewal

If you’re planning on traveling internationally in the near future, make sure to check if your United States Passport is still valid.  If your passport has expired or is expiring in the next 6 months, now is the time to update your passport.

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