Travel Tips and Passport Information

Top Tips for Booking Holiday Travel

Top Tips for Booking Holiday Travel

October is in full swing and the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays are fast approaching. If you are wondering when the best timeto book your trips and travel, we’ve got your answers here. The short answer is the time is now!

“The best bet for the consumer is to travel as early before the actual holiday or as late as possible afterward, and always leave room for schedule changes,” explained Dean Headley, co-author of Wichita State University’s Airline Quality Rating report.

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Passports and the Government Shutdown

Can you still get a passport?  Yes!

You can still get a passport even though the federal government is partially shut down. Passport Services are fully supported by the fees you pay to get a U.S.

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Trusted Traveler Programs:  Are You Enrolled?

Trusted Traveler Programs: Are You Enrolled?

Have you noticed more and more travelers skipping right by you in airport lines recently?   If so, they are probably part of a Trusted Traveler Program – a program developed by Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to speed up the travel process. 

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