Travel Tips and Passport Information

Do You Need a Passport to Go to Hawaii?

One question we get with some frequency here at RushMyPassport is this: “Do I need a passport to go to Hawaii?”

It’s easy to understand why there might be some confusion about this issue. After all, depending on where in the mainland you’re starting from, Hawaii is anywhere from 5 to 12 hours away by plane. It’s also an exotic place, with its own tropical culture and its own language (though just about everyone speaks English).

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5 Cyber Monday Travel Deals to Inspire You to Get a Passport

The grand old Internet tradition of “Cyber Monday” turns six years old tomorrow, as online retailers try to get their piece of the holiday shopping pie. At this point, I’m not sure why you would want to camp out in the cold and risk life and limb to shop Black Friday at a bricks-and-mortar store when you can get great deals online for all sorts of products, including travel.

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University of Rhode Island Offers Passport Application Help

*The passport fees have recently changed. As of April 2nd, 2018, the passport acceptance fee has gone up from $25 to $35.


University of Rhode Island students had chance to get some help with their passport applications last week, thanks to a unique event held by the University’s International Office.

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