Travel Tips and Passport Information

Your US Passport: Don’t Leave For Canada Without It!

When you head out to catch a flight to Canada, what’s the one thing you shouldn’t leave home without? Hint: It’s not your American Express card! It’s your US passport, which you’ll need to get on the flight.

Evan Longoria, the third baseman for the Tampa Rays, found that out the hard way when he tried to catch a charter flight with his teammates to Toronto.

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State Department Considers New Passport Questionnaire

The Department of State is considering creating a new passport form, and the public comment period on the proposal ends Tuesday, April 26th.

According to San Antonio’s, the new form, which would be called DS-5513, is a biographical questionnaire that the Department of State would send out whenever a passport applicant “submits citizenship or identity evidence that is insufficient or of questionable authenticity.”

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