Travel Tips and Passport Information

Remember, New Passport Requirements In Effect For Spring Break

We may still be stuck in the depths of winter, but Spring Break is just around the corner, and it’s time to start planning your spring vacation. If you are vacationing outside of the US this year, it’s important to check and see what kind of travel documents you will need. New passport regulations went into effect on June 1st, 2009, and passports are now required for more destinations than ever before.

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Name on US Passport Causes Joan Rivers to Miss Flight

One name is enough for most of us mortals, but celebrities often have two-their actual legal name and the name they perform under.  So, Tony Bennett is actually Anthony Benedetto, Marilyn Manson is actually Brian Warner and Joan Rivers is actually Joan Rosenberg, the last name of her late husband.

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What is the Passport Denial Program?

What is the Passport Denial Program, and could it keep you from getting your passport?

The Passport Denial Program was set up to prevent parents who owe child support from being able to get a passport and leave the country. 

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