Travel Tips and Passport Information

Dallas Residents: The Emergency Passport Option

Residents of Dallas, Texas (and nearby cities) who need emergency passports have been able to apply for them at the new Dallas passport agency office since July. However, according to the Dallas News, many  area residents are not aware that the office, located in at 1100 Commerce St, is even there.

In the article, Britany Williams, the regional director of the Dallas passport agency, told the newspaper that “We actually don’t have a lot of traffic right now because a lot of people don’t know we are here.”

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Elderly Woman Denied New Passport To Visit Mexico

An elderly woman from Texas has been denied the opportunity to get a new passport to visit relatives in Mexico, according to this report from a local ABC affiliate.

The woman, Consuelo DeLeon, is 81 years and says she was born in  small town in Texas.

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Get a Passport, Quick For a Cheap Flight to Jamaica!

Ahh, Jamaica…home to beautiful white-sand beaches, sublime scenery, friendly people and excellent coffee! If you’d like to sneak in the beach getaway to end all beach getaways before the summer’s gone for good, get a passport, quick, to score an affordable flight.

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Should a US Passport Be Your Next Back-to-School Accessory?

Do the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages? Although attending a semester of school overseas isn’t for everyone, there are clear advantages to studying abroad, and the disadvantages can be minimized with careful planning, according to this article on

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