Travel Tips and Passport Information

If Your Passport Number is Stolen, Should You Apply For New Passport?

If Your Passport Number is Stolen, Should You Apply For New Passport?

These days, identity theft is a serious concern. Robbers are just as likely to steal your personal information and documents as they are to go for actual money and valuables. Of course, if your passport gets stolen, you should report it immediately-but what if the thief only gets your passport number, or a copy of your passport? In that case, they would have your passport number, but you would still have the physical passport in your possession.

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US Passport Holders: Traveling To China With a Fever

US passport holders should be aware that if they are planning on traveling to China any time in the near future, they’d better be healthy when they leave home! The Chinese government has introduced some pretty strict quarantine measures to try to stem the spread of the H1N1 “swine flu” virus, and international travelers are receiving extra scrutiny.

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Cruise the Homeland of the Vikings With Your New Passport

Centuries ago, in medieval Europe, fierce pirates known as Vikings left Norway, Denmark and Sweden in search of treasure. They gained a fearsome reputation that persists to this day, but they were also imaginative storytellers, cunning tradesmen, and politically savvy administrators.

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New Passport Rules For People Delivered By Midwives Near Border

*The passport fees have recently changed. As of April 2nd, 2018, the passport acceptance fee has gone up from $25 to $35.

As part of a court settlement, the US Department of State has created a new set of procedures to govern passport services for applicants who were delivered by midwives near the US/Mexican border.

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