Travel Tips and Passport Information

Review of New Laws Requiring Passports For Travelers

US Representative Gary Peters of Michigan has managed to get an amendment through the House of Representatives requiring the government to review the economic impact of the final phase of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. The new rules, which became law on June 1st, 2009, require Americans to use passports or another special government-approved document to travel to Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean by land and sea.

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Can You Get a New Passport if You Owe Taxes?

Whenever you apply for a passport, you are required to provide your social security number, which is then forwarded to the Department of the Treasury. Does that mean that the government will withhold your new passport if you owe the IRS money?

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Vermont to Get Agency Office For Passport Services

The US Department of State is adding additional regional Passport Agency offices this year, to make it easier for Americans to obtain passport services. One of the new passport offices will be in Vermont, according to this report in the Rutland Herald. 

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A Fast Passport To Adventure

For most people, a vacation means relaxing, whether on the beach or beside the pool. However, other people prefer to kick it up a notch, to do something that gets their blood and their adrenaline flowing.

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