Travel Tips and Passport Information

New Passport for Earth Day: Sustainable Places to Travel

Spring is in the air, and Earth Day is almost here.  Did you know that there are actually two separate Earth Day holidays?  The original Earth Day, celebrated by the United Nations,  is set on March 20 to coincide with the Spring Equinox. However, the more popular Earth Day holiday is on April 22nd.

Whenever you choose to celebrate it, Earth Day is about becoming more environmentally aware in every aspect of daily life, including travel.

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How To Get an Expedited Passport for your Adopted Child

Adopting a child is a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, it can be a rather bureaucratic process even under the best of circumstances. Compared to biological parents, adoptive parents often have to deal with an extra layer of red tape, especially if they adopted their child from overseas.

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Traveling to Jamaica: Do You Need a Passport?


Air travel to Jamaica requires a valid US passport for everyone, of all ages. For adults, land or sea travel requires a passport, passport card or a membership card from one of the following trusted traveler programs: NEXUS, FAST or SENTRI.

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