Travel Tips and Passport Information

How To Expedite My Passport If I’m Supposed to Apply in Person?

When you use an expediting company to expedite your passport, there are some things you need to know before you submit your application.  For example, when you expedite your passport using an private expediting company, in most cases you have to mail all of your documents to the expediting company using an express mail service. However, the government requires you to apply for a passport in person in most cases.

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When Love at First Sight Requires a 24-Hour Passport

At, we have helped all kinds of people get passports in a hurry.  So, here’s an international tale of “love at first sight” that required a 24-hour passport. One of our customers was a gentleman seeking a bride in Thailand through a marriage agency.

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Getting an Express Passport For a Business Trip

In today’s global economy, more and businesses are sending their employees overseas for conferences, training and meeting with international clients.  What happens if your company wants you to go on an international business trip, and you don’t have a passport?

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What To Bring When You Apply For An Emergency Passport

Hopefully, you’ll never find yourself scrambling to get an emergency passport before a trip. However, sometimes bad things happen to good people. You could lose your passport right before an international trip or get called out of the country to deal with a sudden emergency.

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