Passport Information and Help Center

Company Letter of Expedite

For travelers who cannot obtain a travel itinerary, the U.S. Passport Agency will accept a company letter to be used in the place of airline tickets or a travel itinerary.

Please type this information onto your company letterhead and make sure your departure date in the letter is within 14 days.

This letter must be signed by a company representative. The signature must be original - no copies, scans or faxes can be used. You cannot sign your own letter.

You may copy and paste the letter below:


RE: U.S. Passport Agency Company Letter of Expedite

Dear Passport Representatives,

_________________ (full name as printed in passport) is one of our employees who is engaged as _________ (title) in the division of ________________ (company name).

Mr./Mrs. _______________ has an urgent, immediate international departure traveling to _________________ (country name) for the purpose of_______________________________.

He/she will be departing the USA on ___________(departure date).

Mr./Mrs. will be traveling on ___________(name of airline) and will be staying in ____________(country name) for a period of ____________(duration). We appreciate your immediate assistance in the issuance of a passport. Please expedite the passport at your earliest convenience.

Very truly yours,

(Print Name and Title)

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